Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

FURNIKEY respects your personal privacy and is committed to protecting your data. To inform you about the collection of personal data by FURNIKEY, including the purpose, category, scope, and method, as well as your rights, we provide the following statement. If you have any inquiries regarding our policies, notices, or personal data protection matters, please contact our customer service center. FURNIKEY will respond promptly.

Purpose and categories of personal data collection

FURNIKEY’s operations are focused on providing e-commerce services, after-sales support, fulfilling legal and contractual obligations, safeguarding the rights and interests of related parties and stakeholders, conducting marketing, customer management, and services that comply with the business registration items or articles of association. Concerning the nature of each service, we may need to collect personal data that directly or indirectly identifies the user, such as name, contact method (including, but not limited to, telephone, email, and address), IP address, and other data necessary for collection or payment. Furthermore, to enhance our service quality, FURNIKEY may record users’ IP addresses and related website data for traffic analysis and online behavior tracking. These data will not be linked to specific individuals and will purely be utilized to improve FURNIKEY’s quality of service.

Use of personal data

FURNIKEY collects personal data, including consumption and transaction data, that are sufficient to identify the user, or other data that are consented to be provided in the future, but are used solely for internal processing in line with the collection purpose, completing necessary services, contractual obligations, or compliance with applicable laws and regulations or competent authority requirements. Personal data will not be provided to third parties not listed in this privacy policy (including those overseas), nor used for purposes other than collection purposes, as FURNIKEY will continue to process and use pertinent information within the scope of transaction collection. Partner vendors may receive collected personal data for assistance in transactions’ completion or termination. If paying by credit card, the information’s verification process demands notification to the issuing bank, acquiring bank, and cardholder to verify information’s authenticity, after which the payment process will be concluded. Personal data obtained according to the collection purpose’s guidelines may be sent overseas for storage or processing, so long as it is compliant with personal data protection legislation.

Customer’s rights

Data subjects may request to inquire, read, or obtain a copy of their personal data. In case of any changes or inaccuracies of your personal information, FURNIKEY can modify or correct it upon your request. If the provided information is incorrect, incomplete or misleading, it will not be protected by this privacy policy. Once the collection purpose has expired or you believe your personal data should no longer be processed or used, you may request deletion or cessation of processing, except for the data required by FURNIKEY to perform duties or business. Under the European Union General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), users based in EU countries may choose to suspend their use of FURNIKEY services. For any inquiries, please contact FURNIKEY customer service center.


To enhance user convenience, the FURNIKEY website may read cookie data stored on the user’s computer. Users can disable or restrict this feature through adjusting their browser settings. However, certain website functions may become unavailable as a result. For guidance on how to disable or restrict cookies, please contact the FURNIKEY Customer Service Center.


If you choose not to provide FURNIKEY with personal data necessary for various services or transactions, and do not agree to let FURNIKEY collect, process, and utilize relevant personal data according to laws and regulations, this privacy policy, related notices, as well as international transmission, FURNIKEY will respect your decision. However, depending on the service’s nature or circumstances, you may not be able to use the service or complete the relevant transaction. In such cases, FURNIKEY reserves the right to refuse to provide the relevant service or complete the relevant transaction.

Right to amend

FURNIKEY reserves the right to modify this privacy policy and relevant notifications at any time, which may be published on the FURNIKEY website without separate notice after revision. It is possible to access the revised privacy policy and relevant notifications on the FURNIKEY website at any time.

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